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SPOTLIGHT: The Haitian Situation from a Non-Profit's Point of View - Global Food Initiative

As a way of keeping a toe or two in the realm of international work, and continuing to learn of the struggles of communities in another part of the world, I began traveling to Haiti in 2013 to understand the situation there, with organizations that were involved with health care and subsistence issues.  First, I spent several 2 week trips on the Central Plateau in Haiti, near the municipality of Hinche, depicted below.   Hinche, Haiti After several experiences working with orphanages in that area, which had been populated with children whose parents died during the 2010 earthquake  , I began communicating with the manager of Global Food Initiative , a Church of the Brethren-affiliated organization that works around the world on issues of food security in vulnerable areas.  Global Food Initiative(GFI) was founded in 1983, and works in many areas around the world, including Rwanda, Nigeria, Ecuador, Honduras, Democratic Republic of Congo, and others.  In Haiti, GFI works with around 25 c

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