Hoping for The Flowers
In November of 2016, I wrote a blog post that alienated many good friends and would have alienated some loved ones had they read it. Like many friends and colleagues who had grown almost complacent with the ease and clarity of the Obama years, the results of the election of that year shocked me to my core and I was upset to say the least. I described what I envisioned to be the fallout of the new Trump presidency. It was something that I saw as catastrophic to the egalitarian, New Deal foundation upon which I had grown up thinking was at the core of this country and the direction in which it was undoubtedly headed. And so, I was candid. And I lost several good friends for it. And I was fundamentally wrong. While the fears I had voiced were realized, I had not fully grasped the way in which 1 stalwart, angry voice could essentially re-balance the scales of what society sees as right and wrong. I had assumed, incorrectly, that the angry voic...